What is Michael D'Alton's Bio-Energy Healing?
With Michael D'Alton's bio-energy healing, energy blockages within the body’s bio-field are identified and removed without any poking or prodding. This gentle yet powerful treatment allows your body’s energy to flow freely again, re-establishing the natural balanced flow of the bio-energy field for a healthier mind, body and spirit. You will feel lighter, more energized and free of pain and discomfort, which will in turn bring increased balance in all aspects of your life.
It can be practiced on any individual including children, pregnant women, and also pets. Bio-Energy Healing can be very relaxing and enjoyable to receive; and will lead to a better synchronized body, mind and spirit.
What is Involved in a Treatment?
Bio-Energy Healing is non-invasive. A session begins with a series of hand movements around the client to relax them, increase the flow of energy, and bring blockages in their energy field to the surface. Once the blocks have been identified in the bio-field, the practitioner uses different Bio-Energy Healing techniques to release the blocks and re-establish the natural flow of energy. When the flow of energy is restored, the practitioner will balance and ground the client before completing the treatment. Most of the techniques are non-touch as the practitioner will work on the bio-energy field around the body. There are some techniques which involve gentle, soothing touch to the head, shoulders and neck. Clients are asked to remove shoes as well as metal objects and are guided to stand or sit in a relaxing chair at various stages of the session depending on the techniques involved, as well as the client’s state of health.
A standard session takes approximately 40 - 50 minutes.
Member of the Complementary Medical Association UK established to ensure that the public has access to professionally qualified comple-mentary medical practitioners who adhere to the highest standards of practice.
Bio-Energy Healing has been featured on: Joy TV’s First Talk , Shaw TV’s BCIT Magazine and W Network’s Remedy Me which appeared on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network).
What will I Experience During a Treatment?
During sessions, clients may feel heat or cold, tingling sensations and also swaying or movement of the body. Some clients immediately begin to feel remarkable changes in their health after a session. Others become more aware of their illness in the following days as their body begins to release years of stagnant energy. Clients may also notice very little happening initially but find their illnesses have disappeared over the weeks following the sessions. This example is like a traffic jam; once the problem has been removed, the cars at the back of the line still have to wait to get moving. Practitioners know that once they have successfully restored the flow of energy to the body, they can step back and trust the process to work.
Deepak Chopra
"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or the pioneer of the future."
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
A full course of treatment is recommended, which usually involves 4 sessions on a weekly (or daily) basis with a follow up session one month later. Some clients may require additional sessions depending upon the nature of the person’s condition, the seriousness of it, as well as the duration they've had the condition.
The Vital Role of the Mind and the Role YOU Play in the Healing Process.
The Bio-Energy Practitioner does not make the energy flow through a client.
Their job is to remove blocks to assist the body's natural energy flow to flow more freely. Just like a river, the energy flows by itself. This energy flow is what keeps your body healthy, mending any cuts, bruises, or broken bones. Yes, YOU are the one healing yourself. However, problems arise when an illness becomes more serious and we begin to forget the power we have within. This is not necessarily negative, unless we let go of our own responsibility to get better.
Our mind creates thoughts every second of the day, releasing positive or negative energy. These thoughts can ultimately affect our health and the life we live. Your mind, both conscious and subconscious can become your true supporter or your worst enemy.
Renowned health expert Dr. Deepak Chopra cites studies confirming that those who believe they will get well and who take responsibility for their own health are more likely to recover from potentially incurable ailments.
If you are feeling stuck with your health, relationships, career, finances or creativity and no other help seems to be working for you, perhaps it's time you give Bio-Energy Healing a try by simply being open to the healing and taking charge of your mind and body.
Bio-Energy Healing has worked for thousands of people and it can work for you as well.
“The mental thought patterns that cause the most dis-ease in the body are CRITICISM, ANGER, RESENTMENT and GUILT. Criticism indulged in long enough will often lead to dis-eases such as arthritis. Anger turns into things that boil and burn and infect the body. Resentment long held, festers and eats away at the self and ultimately can lead to tumors and cancer. Guilt always seeks punishment and leads to pain.”
Louise L. Hay
What Conditions can be Treated?
Bio-Energy Healing is not limited to treating specific conditions because the focus is on the cause of the illness which is the blocked energy in the Bio-Field. However, the following conditions have responded favorably to treatment.
Back pain
Digestive Problems
Irritable bowel syndrome
Chronic fatigue
Menstrual dysfunction
Sleep Apnea
Restless leg syndrome
Emotional issues
Early stages of certain cancers